Two free tickets to NJC!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make it this year. So I'd like to open up the chance for someone else to go who might not be able to get the tickets on their own.

I also have a hotel room reserved for Oct. 21-23 ($99/night). I don't want @Doug and @Kristie to be on the hook for these, so I'd like to transfer these to whoever grabs the free tickets. I believe I have a small deposit down on the rooms already. You just have to pay the balance on the rooms.

And in case that's too much of a barrier still, I'd be willing to cover the entire hotel stay and tickets for two for someone who wants to go but is genuinely unable to afford it on their own.

Dude! I was looking forward to seeing you! Hit me up next time you're in town here
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make it this year. So I'd like to open up the chance for someone else to go who might not be able to get the tickets on their own.

I also have a hotel room reserved for Oct. 21-23 ($99/night). I don't want @Doug and @Kristie to be on the hook for these, so I'd like to transfer these to whoever grabs the free tickets. I believe I have a small deposit down on the rooms already. You just have to pay the balance on the rooms.

And in case that's too much of a barrier still, I'd be willing to cover the entire hotel stay and tickets for two for someone who wants to go but is genuinely unable to afford it on their own.


This is extremely generous. Karma better be darn good to you.

P.S. What the heck man, I miss you!
I need another ticket, as the better half has bafflingly agreed to join me, but I would want to pay you for it. If you're dead set on giving it away, I'll just buy one from Derg and Kristie.